How AND why do you think grown ups can/should make change in STL so people with different skin tones aren't treated differently or poorly when you grow up?

“Have rules to make sure all colors are treated the same” - Age 7

“Do a better job educating everyone on racial issues.” - Age 8

“They could say things to stand up for the black people.  Adult should change things because the black people are mistreated and they can have the same things we have. “ - Age 6

“Every adult should go protest now so a change can happen by the time I grow up. The more people that stand up, the more chance change will happen.” - Age 8

“ By setting up marches and bringing their kids to them and inspiring them to believe that this can be stopped.” - Age 6 

“We need to put bad police officers in jail so that this stops.  Say prayers to God. Share your voice so that friends hear it and other people who can share their voice too and say the same thing. - Age 8

“I think they should stand up and use their voice and they shouldn’t not be afraid to say when something is wrong.” - Age 6

“Treat their children nicely and teach them to love everyone.” - Age 6

”Have friends with all kinds of colors of skin.” - Age 2

“Keep going to marches.”-Age 5

“They should say to other white people “hey - doing that hurts black peoples feelings. What if you were treated like them?” - Age 8

“Say nice things others. Try to get other white people to tell the mean ones to be nice.” - Age 6

“Attend protests and be an ally to black people. Talk to people different than you to learn more about how to help.” - Age 10

“protest.” - Age 7

“They should treat everyone with respect and equality.” - Age 10

“ Why - to stop racism. The how, I don’t really know how to answer that. “ - Age 11

“ Stand up for black lives.” - Age 9

“Tell them the truth of what is right.” - Age 5

“ I think we should make a law that says “no racism” is that already a law? There should be a law called “no racism.” - Age 10

“I think grown ups should help people who are hurt when they can take them to the hospital and tell the bad people not to do that anymore.” -Age 6

“They could get together and make murals and go to protests. It’s so that me and my friends don’t get hurt and have a good life.” - Age 8

“A way they could change STL is changing the minds of people who think that it's okay to treat someone differently because of the color of their skin. " - Age 10